A Tribute to Ruth
I did not know you well. But I knew your spirit.
Those few minutes when you used your story,
To Teach, to Give Hope, to Comfort,
I saw your spirit.
I saw a zeal for life. A fierce hope.
I saw humility. I saw selflessness.
That day I learnt some more Swahili.
“Nimechoka sana”. Yet your spirit soldiered on.
Your last message to a group of ladies
“Pray for me.” No fear. No self -pity.
Just, “Pray for me”.
3 days later. A Herald with a message.
Words said with the finality of a gavel.
“Ruth is gone.” Done. Finished.
No more pain. No more needles. Peace at last.
The Sadness. The Confusion. The Guilt.
Words not said. Deeds not done. Prayers not said….
My only hope in that moment, a Scripture.
“The flesh returns to dust, but the spirit returns to He who made it.”
So, I have made a promise.
No to Quibble. Not to Grumble
Not to Pursue Senseless Vanities.
Not to Tarry. Not to Hurry
Not to take each fleeting breathe for granted.
But I will fight. I will hope. I will teach
I will Mindful. I will be Thankful. I will give of myself.
To live for God, Love and Legacy
Because like you Ruth, my spirit MUST speak louder than my flesh.
My spirit MUST speak of Him who made me.
Fare thee well Ruth.
You fought a good fight. You touched me.
I did not know you well. But I knew your spirit
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