Bee-Like Feedback An old African proverb loosely translated says “It is the housefly that loves you that licks your sores”. Now, my basic primary school science taught me that as a fly lays eggs on garbage and feaces it picks pathogens on its legs and transfers them wherever it lands. So the image of the licking housefly is not a very pleasant one. The proverb means, though, that it is the one that cares about you that will give you the most candid feedback. If you have experienced being given feedback, you know exactly how painful that can sometimes be. Most organizations, for the last few months, been going through performance reviews and that comes with a barrage of feedback. My weird mind likes to bucket things in threes, so I’ll bucket my feedback experience into three insect groups; The Butterflies - Their feedback blinds you with color. They are afraid of the tension they might create by giving you developmental feedback so they flap their wings and butter you w...