The Weasel and The Brain
My friend once described to me a horrendous video she watched, of how a weasel feeds on rodents. She described how it delivers a fatal blow to the back of the victim’s neck and proceeds to suck out its brains. We laughingly concluded that the process sounded a lot like managing people. We have since, swapped stories of our “weaselling” experiences. Some were hilarious and some were simply depressing. Over the years I have worked with many bosses and as my interest in the weasel grew, I came to one very clear realization. "WEASELLING" IS INEVITABLE BUT THERE ARE GOOD AND BAD WEASELS! The Bad Weasel A weasel eats all of its prey but, almost always, will start with the brain until only the nose and mouth are left. When they are supplied with many victims, they will eat out the brains and only touch the rest of the body if they get hungry again. (Carolyn M. King,2017) The bad manager does exactly that; sucks all your knowledge and uses it to shine. They will call for large, loooo...